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Cashmere Yarn Spinning

Views: 89     Author: Nick     Publish Time: 2023-07-12      Origin:


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Cashmere yarn is directly related to the product quality, hand feel and durability, our factory have very specific standard on cashmere yarn spinning. From raw cashmere to each process, we all have our own method and understandings.

Raw Cashmere

Alxa(Alashan) League is in northwest of Inner Mongolia, China, wind from the Siberian Steppes caused these regions to reach −30 °C in winter. Due to the geographic location and severe climate 

conditions, goats in Inner Mongolia produce the finest, longest and softest cashmere in the world to protect themselves from the chilly cold and the stormy wind.

The herdsmen here still keep the traditional way of grazing. Cashmere generally shed during April because of the rising temperature, this precious fiber can be easily collected by hand-combing.

Cashmere Goat Farm

The raw fiber must wash first, in order to remove dirty hair, stain and wax. After that, we can go yarn spinning.

Raw Material Warehouse


When you see the colorful finished garments, we must do dyeing process. Each color need to be tested in the laboratory to determine the dye formula which has to be repeated to ensure that the color difference is within an acceptable range. Usually, we use Pantone Guide as a color reference, it's easy for us to confirm the color with clients all over the world. On the other hand, clients can also send us their own color reference sample for customization.

Color Test

Color Sample

After the color is confirmed, we can go dyeing. Time and tempreture are the keys for this process.

Standard Dye Vat (capacity 70kg apx)

A Small Vat (washing the fiber)

Drying the Fibers


If we need a melange color yarn, we have to the blending work.

Mixed cashmere fibre


Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous "web" of fiber which is suitable for spinning.

After we get the web, cashmere can be spun into roving, which are then winded on reels. But now they can't be called yarn, because they are very fragile and easy to break. 

Carding Machine

Carding Raw Fibers to "web"



We put the reels on the spinning machines. These machines are very large, and of course the output is very high. We can produce several tons of cashmere yarn every day. The machine increases the twist and strength of the yarn by moving it back and forth, then winding it on the shuttle. Now the strength of the yarn has been greatly improved.

Here is the cashmere spinning machine which is known as mule spinning. 

Mule Spinning

Also, we have ring spinning system. This spinning method is common used in textile industry. It is the oldest spinning system, at least conceptually. Modern ring spinning machine has a high degree of automation, far less labor than before.

Its working principle is that the winding speed of the shuttle is faster than the reel release speed, which twists the thick threads into the thin yarn and improves the yarn strength.

Ring Spinning

Finally, we twist two strands of yarn together and wrap them on the drum, each drum is around 1 kg of cashmere yarn.


Yarn Spinning is finished. Here in the picture, it is Nm. 2/26 cashmere yarn which is usually used in knitting items.

Finished Yarn






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