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What is cashmere fiber

Views: 10000     Author: patrick     Publish Time: 2024-07-22      Origin: Site


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1. Definition

Cashmere is taken from the undercoat of goats, which is the area closest to the goat's skin. It grows in the cold winter to protect against the cold, and falls off in the warm spring to naturally adapt to the climate. It is a rare special animal fiber.


Cashmere is a natural animal fiber. Cashmere is a very precious fiber. Not only is its output rare, it only accounts for 0.2% of the world's total animal fiber output.

2. Origin

China's cashmere production accounts for more than 80% of the world's total, and its cashmere exports account for 60% of the world's cashmere trade, making it the world's largest cashmere producer and exporter. Almost half of China's cashmere comes from Inner Mongolia, so there is a saying that the world's cashmere is in China, and China's cashmere is in Inner Mongolia.


3. Output

The world's annual output of raw cashmere is stable at 15,000 to 16,000 tons, of which China accounts for more than 70% of the world's total output, and the quality is also relatively good.


4. Cashmere classification

Cashmere is divided into white cashmere, green cashmere and purple cashmere according to its color.


White velvet:

Color: light green with grayish white, no mixed color fluff can be inserted, otherwise it will be treated as green velvet.

Features: slender fiber, strong tensile strength, good fragility, high net velvet rate, and the color is rock candy color.

Green velvet:

Color: light green with grayish white, a small amount of black hair is allowed.

Features: long fibers, but relatively thick, strong tensile strength, good gloss. Green velvet, long fibers, coarse fineness, green velvet with flesh-red color.

Purple velvet:

Color: purple velvet is purple-brown, and it is called purple velvet regardless of the color depth. White, green, and red velvet are allowed to be inserted. Features: The color is pure purple, the fiber is fine and long, oily and delicate, thick fat, strong tensile strength, good gloss, and high velvet content.

5.Cashmere physical structure


Cashmere fibers are hollow, and the fiber structure is divided into two layers, the scale layer and the cortex layer. There is no medullary layer, so when you hold cashmere products with your hands, they will feel very elastic and soft.

6.Cashmere performance

Cashmere is a thin and curved fiber that forms an air layer that can defend against the invasion of external cold air and retain the wearer's body temperature.

Cashmere has no medullary layer, and its diameter is thinner than fine wool. The average fineness is 14-16um, the fineness unevenness is small, and the length is generally 35-45mm. Cashmere has better elongation and moisture absorption than sheep wool, and it is thin, light, soft, smooth and warm.

Cashmere is the thinnest animal fiber. It is closely arranged in spinning and weaving, and has good cohesion, so it has good warmth retention.

Cashmere fiber has moderate strength, elasticity, and a natural soft color.






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